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actionPerformedGetter(String) - Method in class com.mg105.entities.GiveTutorial
Get if player has moved, attacked, and usedItem.
actionPerformedSetter(String) - Method in class com.mg105.entities.GiveTutorial
Set moved, attacked, usedItem to true if they have been performed by player
addItem(boolean, ItemDetails) - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.inventory.InventoryPresenter
Sends an alert the view about the status of the potentially added item
addItem(boolean, ItemDetails) - Method in interface com.mg105.use_cases.inventory.InventoryPresenterInterface
Sends a message to update the view about an added item
addItem(Item) - Method in class com.mg105.entities.Inventory
Adds an item to the inventory.
addItem(String) - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.inventory.InventoryInteractor
Attempts to add an item to the inventory based on the itemName and sends action data to the appropriate class
addItemView(String, String, boolean, String) - Method in interface com.mg105.interface_adapters.inventory.InventoryViewInterface
Add this item and its details to the Inventory ui
addItemView(String, String, boolean, String) - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.InventoryDisplay
Adds the details of the item to the display
addObserver(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class
Add a new observer to the RoomUpdater.
addPartyMemberToAlive(BattleCharacter) - Method in class com.mg105.entities.GameState
Adds the battleCharacter to the party
alert(String) - Method in interface com.mg105.interface_adapters.Alert
Display an alert to the user
alert(String) - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.InventoryDisplay
Opens a window displaying a message to the user
Alert - Interface in com.mg105.interface_adapters
An interface that defines one function that alerts the user of something
AlertBox - Class in com.mg105.user_interface
AlertBox is a component that creates a new window and display a users a message.
AlertBox() - Constructor for class com.mg105.user_interface.AlertBox
ALL_ITEM_DESCRIPTIONS - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.ItemConstants
The constant for the list of all item descriptions.
ALL_ITEM_NAMES - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.ItemConstants
The constant for the list of all item names.
ALL_NAMES - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.MoveConstants
All the names of the moves in one place
ALL_PARTY_MEMBER_NAMES - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.PartyConstants
The names of all the party members.
ALL_USABLE_ITEM_NAMES - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.ItemConstants
The constant for the list of all usable item names.
allPhases() - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.tutorial.TutorialTextController
Get names of all phases of tutorial
allPhases() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.PlayerGetsTutorial
Get names of all phases of tutorial
Application - Class in com.mg105
Effectively, the main class that sets up the clean architecture mountain group 105 game!
Application() - Constructor for class com.mg105.Application
ATTACKED - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.TutorialTexts
Constant string for attack phase


BASE_PATH - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.DataAccessConstants
The folder where data is stored.
Battle - Class in com.mg105.entities
Battle is a class which contains information about the status of a combat encounter, the participating characters, and the order in which they would move, along with a number of upgrade tokens upon victory.
Battle(ArrayList<BattleCharacter>, ArrayList<BattleCharacter>) - Constructor for class com.mg105.entities.Battle
Creates a new Battle instance with ongoing status, given BattleCharacters, and a Queue of the characters sorted by their speed stats.
BATTLE - Enum constant in enum class com.mg105.interface_adapters.Toggler.ToggleableComponent
The battle menu
BattleCharacter - Class in com.mg105.entities
BattleCharacter is a class which contains the stats and other battle related information corresponding to a specific character.
BattleCharacter(int, String, int, int, boolean, Move, Move) - Constructor for class com.mg105.entities.BattleCharacter
Creates a new BattleCharacter with the given stats.
BattleCharacterDetails - Class in com.mg105.use_cases.outputds
A struct like class that represents a BattleCharacter
BattleCharacterDetails(String, int, int, int, boolean, MoveDetails[]) - Constructor for class com.mg105.use_cases.outputds.BattleCharacterDetails
Create new BattleCharacterDetails for a BattleCharacter.
BattleInteractor - Class in com.mg105.use_cases.battle
This class interacts with the Battle entity.
BattleInteractor(GameState, InventoryInteractor, Saver) - Constructor for class com.mg105.use_cases.battle.BattleInteractor
Creates a new BattleInteractor with a reference to the GameState.
BattleMenu - Class in com.mg105.user_interface
This class uses JavaFX and is displayed during an active battle.
BattleMenu(BattlePresenter) - Constructor for class com.mg105.user_interface.BattleMenu
Creates a new BattleMenu.
BattleMenuInterface - Interface in com.mg105.interface_adapters.battle
This interface should be implemented by BattleMenu.
BattlePresenter - Class in com.mg105.interface_adapters.battle
Class communicating between BattleMenuInterface view and BattleInteractor.
BattlePresenter(BattleInteractor, Toggler) - Constructor for class com.mg105.interface_adapters.battle.BattlePresenter
Creates a new BattlePresenter with reference to a given BattleInteractor, and sets the interactor to refer to this instance.
BattlePresenterInterface - Interface in com.mg105.use_cases.battle
This interface should be implemented by BattlePresenter.
bottomText() - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.tutorial.TutorialTextController
Gets the current text that should be displayed


changeCharacterStat(String, String, int) - Method in class com.mg105.data_control.access.PartyDataAccess
Updates the given stat of the given party member to the value provided
changeCharacterStat(String, String, int) - Method in interface
Changes the value of the specified character in the "database"
changeItemView(String, String, boolean, String) - Method in interface com.mg105.interface_adapters.inventory.InventoryViewInterface
Updates the Inventory ui based on changes to this items status
changeItemView(String, String, boolean, String) - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.InventoryDisplay
Changes the details of an already displayed item and displays the changes
changePlayerSprite(String) - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.WalkVisController
Calls on WalkVisInteractor to update the walking character sprite.
changeText() - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.tutorial.TutorialTextController
Check if tutorial phases should advance
CharacterMover - Class in
Move the player within a room.
CharacterMover(GameState, RoomUpdaterInterface) - Constructor for class
Create a CharacterMover to operate on state and to update the room visuals via the updater
CharacterMoverInterface - Interface in
An interface that represents a class that moves a character.
CHEST - Enum constant in enum class
A treasure chest
CHEST_OPEN - Enum constant in enum class
A treasure chest that has been opened
ChestInteractor - Class in com.mg105.use_cases
A class that interacts with TreasureChests.
ChestInteractor(GameState, InventoryInteractor, RoomUpdaterInterface) - Constructor for class com.mg105.use_cases.ChestInteractor
Creates a ChestInteractor to interact with chests in a GameState.
com.mg105 - package com.mg105
com.mg105.data_control.access - package com.mg105.data_control.access
com.mg105.data_control.creator - package com.mg105.data_control.creator
com.mg105.entities - package com.mg105.entities
com.mg105.entities.items - package com.mg105.entities.items
com.mg105.interface_adapters - package com.mg105.interface_adapters
com.mg105.interface_adapters.battle - package com.mg105.interface_adapters.battle
com.mg105.interface_adapters.inventory - package com.mg105.interface_adapters.inventory - package
com.mg105.interface_adapters.tutorial - package com.mg105.interface_adapters.tutorial
com.mg105.use_cases - package com.mg105.use_cases
com.mg105.use_cases.battle - package com.mg105.use_cases.battle
com.mg105.use_cases.inventory - package com.mg105.use_cases.inventory - package
com.mg105.use_cases.outputds - package com.mg105.use_cases.outputds - package
com.mg105.use_cases.set_up.data_system_creator - package com.mg105.use_cases.set_up.data_system_creator
com.mg105.use_cases.set_up.state_setter - package com.mg105.use_cases.set_up.state_setter
com.mg105.user_interface - package com.mg105.user_interface
com.mg105.utils - package com.mg105.utils
compare(Point, Point) - Method in class com.mg105.utils.PointComparator
Compare two points.
compareLists(Point, List<OpponentSet>) - Static method in class com.mg105.use_cases.OpponentSetInteractor
Checks if a given spot on the map contains an OpponentSet.
compareLists(Point, List<TreasureChest>) - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.ChestInteractor
Checks if a given spot on the map contains a TreasureChest.
compareTo(BattleCharacter) - Method in class com.mg105.entities.BattleCharacter
Allow BattleCharacters to be compared with each other based on their speed stat.
Consumable - Interface in com.mg105.entities
Consumable is an interface that should only be implemented by items that can be use on a character
consume(GameState, String) - Method in interface com.mg105.entities.Consumable
This method allow a character to use an item on themselves.
consume(GameState, String) - Method in class com.mg105.entities.items.HealthPotion
Heals the battleCharacter provided
consume(GameState, String) - Method in class com.mg105.entities.items.MegaPotion
Heals the battleCharacter provided
consume(GameState, String) - Method in class com.mg105.entities.items.UpgradeToken
Upgrades the stats of the given character
CONTROLS - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.TutorialTexts
Constant string for telling player the game controls
create() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.set_up.data_system_creator.DataStorageSystemCreator
Create a new data storage.
createDataStorage() - Method in class com.mg105.data_control.creator.DataStorageCreator
Creates a data storage system for the specific aspect of the game this class pertains to
createDataStorage() - Method in interface com.mg105.use_cases.set_up.data_system_creator.CreateDataStorage
Creates a data storage system related to some aspect of the state of the game
CreateDataStorage - Interface in com.mg105.use_cases.set_up.data_system_creator
This interface is meant for all classes that create some sort of data storage system
createEncounter() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.battle.BattleInteractor
Creates a new encounter with random opponents and sets it as the current encounter in GameState.
createItem(String) - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.inventory.ItemFactory
Returns a new instance of an item given the item's name
currentPhase() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.PlayerGetsTutorial
Get current phase of tutorial, which is first index of phase list


DAMAGE - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.StatConstants
The damage done by a character
DataAccessConstants - Class in com.mg105.utils
Constants used for data persistence.
DataAccessConstants() - Constructor for class com.mg105.utils.DataAccessConstants
DataStorageCreator - Class in com.mg105.data_control.creator
This class should be extended for aspect of the game's state that need to have storage systems created Really the only reason for this class is get rid of the duplicate code warnings (the CreateDataStorage) interface is really enough for OOP
DataStorageCreator(String, String[][]) - Constructor for class com.mg105.data_control.creator.DataStorageCreator
Creates a new instance of DataStorageCreator
DataStorageSystemCreator - Class in com.mg105.use_cases.set_up.data_system_creator
This is a class that uses other class to create the data persistence or data storage system of this game.
DataStorageSystemCreator(CreateDataStorage[]) - Constructor for class com.mg105.use_cases.set_up.data_system_creator.DataStorageSystemCreator
Creates a new instance of DataStorageSystemCreator
DID_NOT_BATTLE - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.TutorialTexts
Constant string for reminding player to initiate a battle
DID_NOT_MOVE - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.TutorialTexts
Constant string reminding player how to move
DID_NOT_OPEN_CHEST - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.TutorialTexts
Constant string for reminding player to open chest
display(String) - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.AlertBox
Displays a modal that must be resolved before switches to a different window
distanceTo(Point) - Method in class com.mg105.utils.PointComparator
Calculate the cartesian distance between the reference and the destination.
Doorway - Class in com.mg105.entities
A Doorway represents a single-direction connection from one room to another.
Doorway(Point, Room) - Constructor for class com.mg105.entities.Doorway
Create a doorway with its position in the room and the next room.


endBattle() - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.battle.BattlePresenter
Makes the appropriate calls to change the state in the case of a battle being lost or won and then Makes the appropriate updates to change the view in the of a battle being won or lost
endBattle() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.battle.BattleInteractor
Method makes changes that represent an ended battle in the state of the game (won or lost) The method also save the game for user
executeTurn(int, String, String) - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.battle.BattlePresenter
Use one of (given) the given caster's moves on the given target.
executeTurn(int, String, String) - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.battle.BattleInteractor
Use one of (given) the given caster's moves on the given target.
EXIT - Enum constant in enum class
A doorway
EXIT_ROOM - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.TutorialTexts
Constant string for good luck text
EXPLORED - Enum constant in enum class
The room has been visited at least once


FLOOR - Enum constant in enum class
Empty floor that can be walked on
fullHealCharacter() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.BattleCharacter
Ensure this BattleCharacter is completely healed.


GameState - Class in com.mg105.entities
A class that represents the state of the game
GameState(Inventory, BattleCharacter[], WalkingCharacter) - Constructor for class com.mg105.entities.GameState
Create a new game state.
GameState(Inventory, WalkingCharacter) - Constructor for class com.mg105.entities.GameState
Create a new game state.
GameStateSetter - Class in com.mg105.use_cases.set_up.state_setter
This class should only be called in the "main" file.
GameStateSetter(StateSetter[]) - Constructor for class com.mg105.use_cases.set_up.state_setter.GameStateSetter
Creates a new instance of GameStateSetters
generateMap() - Method in class
Generate (or re-generate) the map.
generateMap() - Method in interface
Generate the map.
generateMap() - Method in class
Generates a map.
generateMap() - Method in interface
Generate the map.
generateMapMoveBy(Point) - Method in class
Attempt to move by direction.
generateMapMoveBy(Point) - Method in interface
Move the character by direction.
getActionPerformed(String) - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.tutorial.TutorialTextController
Returns if the action has been performed
getActionPerformed(String) - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.PlayerGetsTutorial
Check if specific action has been performed
getBattleStatus() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.Battle
Returns whether the encounter has been won, lost or neither.
getCharacter(String) - Method in class com.mg105.entities.Battle
Returns the character in the encounter based on the given name
getCharacterDamage(String) - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.battle.BattleInteractor
Returns the current damage stat of the BattleCharacter with the given name.
getCharacterHealth(String) - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.battle.BattleInteractor
Returns the current health of the BattleCharacter with the given name.
getCharacterMoveNames(String) - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.battle.BattleInteractor
Returns the names of the BattleCharacter with the given name's moves.
getCharacterMoveStats(String) - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.battle.BattleInteractor
Returns the stats of the BattleCharacter with the given name's moves.
getCharacterSprite() - Method in class
Retrieves the sprite String currently associated with the WalkingCharacter.
getCharacterSprite() - Method in interface
Get the path of the current character sprite.
getCharPosition() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.WalkingCharacter
Return the position of the walking character.
getChestItem() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.ChestInteractor
Adds the item in an adjacent chest (if one exists) to the inventory.
getChests() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.Room
Get the treasure chests in this room.
getClosedChests() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.outputds.RoomLayout
Get the closed treasure chests in this room.
getController() - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.TutorialTextDisplay
Get a tutorial controller which is used to switch text
getCount() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.outputds.ItemDetails
The count of the item
getCurrEncounter() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.GameState
Returns the active Battle, or null if there is none.
getCurrentComponent() - Method in interface com.mg105.interface_adapters.Toggler
Get the current visible component.
getCurrentComponent() - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.SceneController
Get the current visible component.
getCurrentPosition() - Method in class
Get the current position in (x, y)-coordinates of the result of getMapSoFar.
getCurrentPosition() - Method in interface
Get the current room position
getCurrentRoom() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.GameState
Get the room the player happens to currently be in.
getCurrentRoom() - Method in class
Get the current room as represented in an easier to draw grid.
getCurrentRoom() - Method in interface
Lay out the current room as a square of tiles to be displayed.
getCurrentRoomLayout() - Method in class
Get the current room.
getCurrentRoomLayout() - Method in interface
Get the current room as a layout.
getCurrOpponent() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.GameState
Returns the currently selected OpponentSet.
getDamageChange() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.Move
Returns the amount the current damage stat of the target would change if this move is used on them.
getDamageChange() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.outputds.MoveDetails
Returns damage change stat of move
getDescription() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.outputds.ItemDetails
The description of the item
getDmg() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.BattleCharacter
Returns the current damage stat of the character.
getDmg() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.outputds.BattleCharacterDetails
Returns damage stat
getDoorways() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.Room
Get the doorways in this room.
getDoorways() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.outputds.RoomLayout
Get the doorways in this room.
getFainted() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.GameState
Returns an ArrayList of the player's fainted characters.
getFaintedPartyMember(String) - Method in class com.mg105.entities.GameState
Returns the character in the party based on the given name Only returns a party member that is fainted return null iff the name is not of a fainted party member
getHealingPoints() - Static method in class com.mg105.entities.items.HealthPotion
Gets the healing points that the potion provides to a character.
getHealingPoints() - Static method in class com.mg105.entities.items.MegaPotion
Gets the healing points that the mega potion provides to a character.
getHealthChange() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.Move
Returns the amount the current health of the target would change if this move is used on them.
getHealthChange() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.outputds.MoveDetails
Returns move change stat of move
getHp() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.BattleCharacter
Returns the current health of the character.
getInventory() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.GameState
Returns the inventory of GameState The Inventory is class that manages the items in a game
getInventoryDetails() - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.inventory.InventoryController
Makes a call that will send the necessary details to the Inventory ui about the inventory.
getInventoryDetails() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.inventory.InventoryInteractor
Collects data the represents the state of the inventory (i.e.
getInventoryDetails() - Method in interface com.mg105.use_cases.inventory.InventoryInteractorInputInterface
Collects and sends data the represents the state of the inventory
getInventoryLimit() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.inventory.InventoryInteractor
Returns the limit of the inventory The limit of the inventory is the maximum possible number of items that could be placed in it
getMapSoFar() - Method in class
Get the current explored map.
getMapSoFar() - Method in interface
Get the current state of the minimap.
getMaxHp() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.BattleCharacter
Returns the maximum health of the character.
getMaxHp() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.outputds.BattleCharacterDetails
Returns Max HP stat
getMoveDetails() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.outputds.BattleCharacterDetails
Return an array of objects that each represent a usable move
getMoveDetails(String) - Method in class com.mg105.data_control.access.MoveDataAccess
Returns an object that represents the details of the move desired
getMoveOne() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.BattleCharacter
Returns the character's first move.
getMoveTwo() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.BattleCharacter
Returns the character's second move.
getMovingCharacter() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.Battle
Removes the character at the front of the moveQueue, replaces it at the end, and returns the character.
getName() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.BattleCharacter
Returns the name of the character.
getName() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.Item
Returns the name of this item
getName() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.Move
Returns the name of this move.
getName() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.outputds.BattleCharacterDetails
Returns name of character
getName() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.outputds.ItemDetails
The name of the item
getName() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.outputds.MoveDetails
returns name of move
getNextRoom() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.Doorway
Gets the next room.
getNumOfItem() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.inventory.InventoryInteractor
Returns the number of items currently in the inventory
getOpenChests() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.outputds.RoomLayout
Get the open treasure chests in this room.
getOpponents() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.Battle
Returns the list of active opponent characters.
getOpponents() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.OpponentSet
Get the opponents needed to be fought.
getOpponents() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.Room
Get the opponents in this room.
getOpponents() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.outputds.RoomLayout
Get the opponents in this room.
getParty() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.GameState
Returns an ArrayList of the player's characters.
getPartyAliveMember(String) - Method in class com.mg105.entities.GameState
Returns the character in party based on the given name Only returns a party member that is not fainted return null iff the name is not of a non-fainted party member
getPartyBattleDetails() - Method in class com.mg105.data_control.access.PartyDataAccess
Returns an array of objects that each represent the battle attributes of a single party member
getPartyBattleDetails() - Method in interface
Returns an array of objects that each represent a single party members battle attributes
getPartyMember(String) - Method in class com.mg105.entities.GameState
Returns the correct party member given a name
getPlayer() - Method in class
Get the current player position in the room.
getPlayer() - Method in interface
Get the position of the player within the room.
getPlayer() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.outputds.RoomLayout
Get the player position in this room.
getPlayerCharacters() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.Battle
Returns the list of active player characters.
getPosition() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.Doorway
Gets the position of the doorway.
getPosition() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.OpponentSet
Get the position of the opponent set in the room.
getPosition() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.TreasureChest
Gets the position of the treasure chest.
getScene() - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.BattleMenu
Get the scene of this toggleable object.
getScene() - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.InventoryDisplay
Returns the scene that displays the information for the Inventory
getScene() - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.LoseMenu
getScene() - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.MainMenu
getScene() - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.MapDrawer
Get the scene that will be used to draw to.
getScene() - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.MinimapDrawer
Get the minimap scene.
getScene() - Method in interface com.mg105.user_interface.Toggleable
Get the scene of this toggleable object.
getScene() - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.TutorialTextWindow
Get the scene of this toggleable object.
getScene() - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.WalkingMenu
Get the scene of this toggleable object.
getScene() - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.WinMenu
Get scene of the WinMenu
getShowControls() - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.tutorial.TutorialTextController
Check if player should be shown controls again
getSpeed() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.BattleCharacter
Returns the speed of the character.
getSpeed() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.outputds.BattleCharacterDetails
Returns speed stat
getSpriteName() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.WalkingCharacter
Returns the name of the character whose sprite is currently being used.
getTutorial() - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.tutorial.TutorialTextController
Get an instance of the PlayerGetsTutorial use case
getWalkingCharacter() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.GameState
Get the current WalkingCharacter the user is controlling.
getWalkingSprite() - Method in class
Retrieves the WalkingCharacter sprite name String, returns a file name/location corresponding to the name.
getWalkingSprite() - Method in interface
Get the current walking sprite.
givenCharacterDamage(String) - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.battle.BattlePresenter
Returns the current damage stat of the BattleCharacter with the given name.
givenCharacterFainted(String) - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.battle.BattlePresenter
Returns whether the given name is associated with a fainted character.
givenCharacterHealth(String) - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.battle.BattlePresenter
Returns the current health of the BattleCharacter with the given name.
givenCharacterMoveNames(String) - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.battle.BattlePresenter
Returns the names of the BattleCharacter with the given name's moves.
givenCharacterMoveStats(String) - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.battle.BattlePresenter
Returns the stats of the BattleCharacter with the given name's moves.
GiveTutorial - Class in com.mg105.entities
Data for what actions player has completed, contains methods for mutating the data
GiveTutorial(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.mg105.entities.GiveTutorial
Constructor for GiveTutorial entity


handle(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.BattleMenu
Handles button events.
handle(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.MapGeneratorButton
This method is called when the button is pressed.
handle(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.ReplayGeneratorButton
this method is called when the button is pressed.
handle(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.WalkingMenu
Handles button events.
handle(KeyEvent) - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.InputListener
Pass the keyevent onto the input interpreter.
has(String) - Method in class com.mg105.entities.Inventory
Returns if there is at LEAST one item in inventory with itemName
hasCurrEncounter() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.GameState
Returns true iff the player is currently in a battle
HEALTH_POTION_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.ItemConstants
The description of a health potion
HEALTH_POTION_NAME - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.ItemConstants
The constant for the name of HealthPotion.
HealthPotion - Class in com.mg105.entities.items
A health potion is an item that can be used to heal a character by a certain amount of points.
HealthPotion() - Constructor for class com.mg105.entities.items.HealthPotion
Creates a new instance of health potion
HELP_TIME - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.TutorialTexts
Constant int for text duration of helper text (not in seconds)
HELPER_PANE_X - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.TutorialTexts
Constant int for x size of helper pane
HELPER_PANE_Y - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.TutorialTexts
Constant int for y size of helper pane
HOTKEYS - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.TutorialTexts
Constant string for telling the player the hotkeys


InputInterpreter - Class in com.mg105.interface_adapters
InputInterpreter takes in keyboard inputs and distributes them to their appropriate use cases.
InputInterpreter(CharacterMoverInterface, Toggler, TutorialTextController, ChestInteractor, OpponentSetInteractor) - Constructor for class com.mg105.interface_adapters.InputInterpreter
Create a new InputInterpreter that translates keyboard inputs to appropriate function invocations.
InputListener - Class in com.mg105.user_interface
InputListener takes keyboard inputs and passes them on to an appropriate interpreter.
InputListener(InputInterpreter) - Constructor for class com.mg105.user_interface.InputListener
Create an InputListener.
interpret(String) - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.InputInterpreter
Interpret key being pressed as an action.
Inventory - Class in com.mg105.entities
An inventory is a class that manages items
Inventory() - Constructor for class com.mg105.entities.Inventory
INVENTORY - Enum constant in enum class com.mg105.interface_adapters.Toggler.ToggleableComponent
The inventory menu
InventoryController - Class in com.mg105.interface_adapters.inventory
A class that serves the UI and allows users to make the desired changes to the Inventory
InventoryController(InventoryInteractor) - Constructor for class com.mg105.interface_adapters.inventory.InventoryController
Creates a new instance of inventory controller
inventoryDetails(ItemDetails[]) - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.inventory.InventoryPresenter
Send the information to update the exact state of the inventory to the view Should only be called right when the view is displayed
inventoryDetails(ItemDetails[]) - Method in interface com.mg105.use_cases.inventory.InventoryPresenterInterface
Sends a message to the view about the state of every item type in the inventory
InventoryDisplay - Class in com.mg105.user_interface
A user interface class that displays the state of the inventory to the user and allows them to perform actions that relate to the inventory and its items.
InventoryDisplay(InventoryController) - Constructor for class com.mg105.user_interface.InventoryDisplay
Creates a new instance of inventory display
InventoryInteractor - Class in com.mg105.use_cases.inventory
This class is the only class that should directly interact with the inventory
InventoryInteractor(GameState, InventoryPresenterInterface) - Constructor for class com.mg105.use_cases.inventory.InventoryInteractor
Creates a new instance of InventoryInteractor
InventoryInteractorInputInterface - Interface in com.mg105.use_cases.inventory
This interface defines the input structure to make calls that change the state of the inventory
InventoryPresenter - Class in com.mg105.interface_adapters.inventory
A class whose purpose is to update the view with the current state of the inventory and update it based on a user's actions
InventoryPresenter() - Constructor for class com.mg105.interface_adapters.inventory.InventoryPresenter
InventoryPresenterInterface - Interface in com.mg105.use_cases.inventory
This interface should be implemented by the InventoryPresenter class
InventoryViewInterface - Interface in com.mg105.interface_adapters.inventory
The interface defines all the functions that should be called to update the ui to add or modify the information of the Inventory
IS_FALSE - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.DataAccessConstants
The string representation of false
IS_TRUE - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.DataAccessConstants
The string representation of true
isCharacterFainted(String) - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.battle.BattleInteractor
Returns whether the given name is associated with a fainted character.
isComplete() - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.tutorial.TutorialTextController
Get if the tutorial is complete, changes text if it is
isComplete() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.PlayerGetsTutorial
Check if all required actions performed by player
isCurrentRoomLastRoom() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.GameState
Get if the player is in the last room.
isFinalRoom() - Method in class
Checks if the player is in the final room
isFinalRoom() - Method in interface
Get whether the current room is the last room.
isFriendly() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.Move
Returns whether this move is to be used on a character on the same team as the caster or not.
isFriendly() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.outputds.MoveDetails
Return isFriendly stat of move
isFull() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.Inventory
Returns if the inventory is full.
isOpened() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.TreasureChest
Gets if this chest has been opened.
isOpponent() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.BattleCharacter
Returns whether the character is an opponent or not.
isOpponent() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.outputds.BattleCharacterDetails
Returns if this battle character is an opponent
isUsable() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.outputds.ItemDetails
If the item is usable
Item - Class in com.mg105.entities
An item represents something that can be used in some manner to change something about the game environment
Item(String) - Constructor for class com.mg105.entities.Item
Creates a new instance of item
ItemConstants - Class in com.mg105.utils
A class containing the constants for items in the game.
ItemConstants() - Constructor for class com.mg105.utils.ItemConstants
ItemDetails - Class in com.mg105.use_cases.outputds
This is a struct like class whose sole purpose is to represent the state of a particular item in the inventory
ItemDetails(String, String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.mg105.use_cases.outputds.ItemDetails
Create new ItemDetails for an item.
ItemFactory - Class in com.mg105.use_cases.inventory
This class's sole responsibility is to create new items.
ItemFactory() - Constructor for class com.mg105.use_cases.inventory.ItemFactory


Launcher - Class in com.mg105
Our 'main' class.
Launcher() - Constructor for class com.mg105.Launcher
limit() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.Inventory
Returns the maximum amount items allowed in the inventory
LOSE_MENU - Enum constant in enum class com.mg105.interface_adapters.Toggler.ToggleableComponent
The game Lose menu
LoseMenu - Class in com.mg105.user_interface
LoseMenu is displayed when the player loses the game.
LoseMenu(ReplayGeneratorButton) - Constructor for class com.mg105.user_interface.LoseMenu
Create a new LoseMenu


main(String[]) - Static method in class com.mg105.Launcher
The real main method.
MAIN_MENU - Enum constant in enum class com.mg105.interface_adapters.Toggler.ToggleableComponent
The main menu
MainMenu - Class in com.mg105.user_interface
The main game menu.
MainMenu(MapGeneratorButton) - Constructor for class com.mg105.user_interface.MainMenu
Create a new MainMenu.
MAP - Enum constant in enum class com.mg105.interface_adapters.Toggler.ToggleableComponent
The main map
MapConstants - Class in com.mg105.utils
Constants used in the map and map generation.
MapConstants() - Constructor for class com.mg105.utils.MapConstants
MapDrawer - Class in com.mg105.user_interface
MapDrawer draws the map as a grid of tiles.
MapDrawer(RoomInterpreterInterface) - Constructor for class com.mg105.user_interface.MapDrawer
Create an instance of MapDrawer.
MAPGEN_ANCHOR_SPARSITY - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.MapConstants
An integer between -1 and 100 inclusive that somewhat reflects how crowded rooms will be.
MAPGEN_BATTLE_SPARSITY - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.MapConstants
An integer between -1 and 100 inclusive that somewhat reflects how many battles will be generated.
MAPGEN_CHEST_SPARSITY - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.MapConstants
An integer between -1 and 100 inclusive that somewhat reflects how may chests will be generated.
MAPGEN_MAX_MAP_HEIGHT - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.MapConstants
The maximum possible height of map rooms
MAPGEN_MAX_MAP_WIDTH - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.MapConstants
The maximum possible width of map rooms
MAPGEN_MIN_MAP_HEIGHT - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.MapConstants
The minimum possible height of map rooms
MAPGEN_MIN_MAP_WIDTH - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.MapConstants
The minimum possible width of map rooms
MapGenerator - Class in
MapGenerator generates the map
MapGenerator(GameState) - Constructor for class
Creates a new MapGenerator that acts on a GameState.
MapGenerator(GameState, Random) - Constructor for class
Create a new MapGenerator that acts on a GameState
MapGeneratorButton - Class in com.mg105.user_interface
MapGeneratorButton acts as the event handler for the actual JavaFX button that will generate a map.
MapGeneratorButton(MapGeneratorInterpreterInterface, Toggler) - Constructor for class com.mg105.user_interface.MapGeneratorButton
Create a new MapGeneratorButton.
MapGeneratorInterface - Interface in
Something that generates the map.
MapGeneratorInterpreter - Class in
MapGeneratorInterpreter asks as a thin interface adapter whose sole purpose is to maintain clean architecture.
MapGeneratorInterpreter(MapGeneratorInterface) - Constructor for class
Create a new MapGeneratorInterpreter.
MapGeneratorInterpreterInterface - Interface in
An interface for map generation.
MAX_HP - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.StatConstants
The maximum health of a character
MEGA_POTION_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.ItemConstants
The description of a mega health potion
MEGA_POTION_NAME - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.ItemConstants
The constant for the name of MegaPotion.
MegaPotion - Class in com.mg105.entities.items
A mega health potion is larger health potion that can be used to heal a character by a greater number of points.
MegaPotion() - Constructor for class com.mg105.entities.items.MegaPotion
Creates a new instance of mega potion
MINIMAP - Enum constant in enum class com.mg105.interface_adapters.Toggler.ToggleableComponent
The minimap
MinimapDrawer - Class in com.mg105.user_interface
Draw the Minimap.
MinimapDrawer(MinimapInterpreterInterface) - Constructor for class com.mg105.user_interface.MinimapDrawer
Create a new MinimapDrawer.
MinimapInterpreter - Class in
The MinimapInterpreter processes room change data an interprets its implicit position.
MinimapInterpreter(RoomGetterInterface) - Constructor for class
Create a new MinimapInterpreter.
MinimapInterpreterInterface - Interface in
A class that handles the interpretation of the minimaps internal state.
MinimapRoomState - Enum Class in
Possible knowledge states of a room.
modifyDamage(int) - Method in class com.mg105.entities.BattleCharacter
Updates the character's attack damage by the given amount.
modifyHealth(int) - Method in class com.mg105.entities.BattleCharacter
Updates the character's current health by the given amount.
modifyMaxHp(int) - Method in class com.mg105.entities.BattleCharacter
Updates the character's maximum health by the given amount.
modifySpeed(int) - Method in class com.mg105.entities.BattleCharacter
Updates the character's speed by the given amount.
Move - Class in com.mg105.entities
Move is a class which contains the combat properties and name of a specific move used by a specific character.
Move(int, int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.mg105.entities.Move
Creates a Move with the given details.
MOVE_DATA_PATH - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.DataAccessConstants
The file where move data is stored
MoveConstants - Class in com.mg105.utils
Constants pertaining to the names of moves.
MoveConstants() - Constructor for class com.mg105.utils.MoveConstants
MOVED - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.TutorialTexts
Constant string for move phase
MoveDataAccess - Class in com.mg105.data_control.access
This is a class mean to interact and get information about moves from a "database"
MoveDataAccess() - Constructor for class com.mg105.data_control.access.MoveDataAccess
MoveDataCreator - Class in com.mg105.data_control.creator
This class is responsible for creating the storage system pertaining to move data
MoveDataCreator() - Constructor for class com.mg105.data_control.creator.MoveDataCreator
Creates a new instance of MoveDataCreator
MoveDetails - Class in com.mg105.use_cases.outputds
A struct like class that represents the details of a move
MoveDetails(String, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.mg105.use_cases.outputds.MoveDetails
Creates a new instance of MoveDetails


NAMES - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.OpponentConstants
Possible names for opponents
nextPhase() - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.tutorial.TutorialTextController
Go to the next tutorial phase
nextPhase() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.PlayerGetsTutorial
Advance current phase by 1
NOCLIP - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.MapConstants
Whether you can walk through (and over) chests.
NULLIFY - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.MoveConstants
A move name.
numberOfItems() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.Inventory
Returns the number of items in the inventory currently
numberOfItems(String) - Method in class com.mg105.entities.Inventory
Returns the total number of items in the inventory that have the itemName as there name


open() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.TreasureChest
If unopened, this will open the chest and return the reward.
OPPONENT_ATTACK_MAX - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.MapConstants
The upper bound on the opponent's damage stat.
OPPONENT_ATTACK_MIN - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.MapConstants
The lower bound on the opponent's damage stat.
OPPONENT_BUFF_CAP - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.MapConstants
The upper bound on the damage buffing effect of an opponent's friendly move.
OPPONENT_DAMAGE_CAP - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.MapConstants
The upper bound on the damaging effect of an opponent's unfriendly move.
OPPONENT_HEAL_CAP - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.MapConstants
The upper bound on the healing effect of an opponent's friendly move.
OPPONENT_HEALTH_MAX - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.MapConstants
The upper bound on the opponent's health stat.
OPPONENT_HEALTH_MIN - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.MapConstants
The lower bound on the opponent's health stat.
OPPONENT_NULLIFY_CAP - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.MapConstants
The upper bound on the nullifying effect of an opponent's unfriendly move.
OPPONENT_SET - Enum constant in enum class
A potential battle
OPPONENT_SPEED_MAX - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.MapConstants
The upper bound on the opponent's speed stat.
OPPONENT_SPEED_MIN - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.MapConstants
The lower bound on the opponent's speed stat.
OpponentConstants - Class in com.mg105.utils
OpponentConstant contains constants that pertain to the names of opponents.
OpponentConstants() - Constructor for class com.mg105.utils.OpponentConstants
OpponentSet - Class in com.mg105.entities
OpponentSet stores a potential battle on a map.
OpponentSet(Point, List<BattleCharacter>) - Constructor for class com.mg105.entities.OpponentSet
Create a new set of opponents to be displayed in a room.
OpponentSetInteractor - Class in com.mg105.use_cases
An interactor class that modifies and references GameState with methods relating to OpponentSet.
OpponentSetInteractor(GameState) - Constructor for class com.mg105.use_cases.OpponentSetInteractor
Creates a new OpponentSetInteractor with a reference to GameState.


PARTY_DATA_PATH - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.DataAccessConstants
the file where party data is stored
PartyConstants - Class in com.mg105.utils
Constants pertaining to the party (the player's characters).
PartyConstants() - Constructor for class com.mg105.utils.PartyConstants
PartyCreator - Class in com.mg105.use_cases.set_up.state_setter
This class should be called once when the game is first starting.
PartyCreator(PartyDataInterface) - Constructor for class com.mg105.use_cases.set_up.state_setter.PartyCreator
Creates a new instance of PartyCreator
PartyDataAccess - Class in com.mg105.data_control.access
PartyDataAccess implements the data access layer.
PartyDataAccess(MoveDataAccess) - Constructor for class com.mg105.data_control.access.PartyDataAccess
Creates a new instance of PartyDataAccess
PartyDataCreator - Class in com.mg105.data_control.creator
This class is responsibility is to create the data storage system pertain to the party (specifically) each party member's battle attributes
PartyDataCreator() - Constructor for class com.mg105.data_control.creator.PartyDataCreator
Creates a new instance of party data creator
PartyDataInterface - Interface in
This interface is implemented by a class that has the ability to save party members stats and retrieve the parties data
PartySaver - Class in
This classes only job is to save data about the party in some sort of "database"
PartySaver(GameState, PartyDataInterface) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance of party saver
PHASES - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.TutorialTexts
Constant array listing all the phases
PHASES_TEXT - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.TutorialTexts
Constant array containing the actual text shown to the player
PlayerGetsTutorial - Class in com.mg105.use_cases
Class for determining what phase of the tutorial the player is on, and changing the phase
PlayerGetsTutorial(List<String>, int) - Constructor for class com.mg105.use_cases.PlayerGetsTutorial
Constructor for PlayerGetsTutorial use case
PointComparator - Class in com.mg105.utils
A comparator for calculating distances between Points.
PointComparator(Point) - Constructor for class com.mg105.utils.PointComparator
Create a new PointComparator.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class
Update room position data.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.WinDisplay
This method gets called when a bound property is changed.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.MapDrawer
Update the current room based on evt.


REINFORCE - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.MoveConstants
A move name.
removeAll() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.Inventory
Removes all the items from the inventory.
removeChar(BattleCharacter) - Method in class com.mg105.entities.Battle
Removes the given fainted character from the ArrayList corresponding to which side it is on, and the moveQueue.
removeCurrEncounter() - Method in class com.mg105.entities.GameState
Removes the current active battle from the game state.
removeFaintedPartyMember(String) - Method in class com.mg105.entities.GameState
Removes the given fainted party This should only be done to fainted party members whose hp is about to become above zero
removeItem(boolean, ItemDetails) - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.inventory.InventoryPresenter
Sends an alert the view about the status of the potentially removed item.
removeItem(boolean, ItemDetails) - Method in interface com.mg105.use_cases.inventory.InventoryPresenterInterface
Sends a message to update the view about a removed item
removeItem(String) - Method in class com.mg105.entities.Inventory
Removes ONE instance of an item from the inventory that has the same itemName.
removeItem(String) - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.inventory.InventoryController
Attempts to the remove the item from the inventory.
removeItem(String) - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.inventory.InventoryInteractor
Attempts to remove an item of itemName to the inventory and sends action data to the appropriate class
removeItem(String) - Method in interface com.mg105.use_cases.inventory.InventoryInteractorInputInterface
Attempts to remove an item of itemName to the inventory
removeItemView(String) - Method in interface com.mg105.interface_adapters.inventory.InventoryViewInterface
Removes the item with the given name of the Inventory ui
removeItemView(String) - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.InventoryDisplay
Removes an item from the inventory ui.
removeObserver(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class
Remove an observer from the RoomUpdater.
replay() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.ReplayGenerator
Replay the game by interacting with the MapGenerator class
replayGenerateMap() - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.ReplayGeneratorInterpreter
Replay the game.
ReplayGenerator - Class in com.mg105.use_cases
A class that implement the game restart and replay function.
ReplayGenerator(GameState, Resetable...) - Constructor for class com.mg105.use_cases.ReplayGenerator
Create a new ReplayGenerator
ReplayGeneratorButton - Class in com.mg105.user_interface
ReplayGeneratorButton acts as the event handler for the actual JavaFx button that will replay the game.
ReplayGeneratorButton(ReplayGeneratorInterpreter, Toggler, Toggler.ToggleableComponent) - Constructor for class com.mg105.user_interface.ReplayGeneratorButton
Create a new ReplayGeneratorButton.
ReplayGeneratorInterpreter - Class in com.mg105.interface_adapters
ReplayGenerator asks as a thin interface adapter whose sole purpose is to maintain clean architecture.
ReplayGeneratorInterpreter(ReplayGenerator) - Constructor for class com.mg105.interface_adapters.ReplayGeneratorInterpreter
reset() - Method in class
Reset the minimap to its 'factory new' state.
reset() - Method in interface com.mg105.use_cases.Resetable
Reset this component as if the game just started.
Resetable - Interface in com.mg105.use_cases
A use case that needs to be reset when the game restarts (regardless of win or loss).
retrieveTargets(int, String) - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.battle.BattlePresenter
Returns the name of every BattleCharacter which can be targeted by the given move.
retrieveTargets(int, String) - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.battle.BattleInteractor
Returns the name of every BattleCharacter which can be targeted by the given move.
reviveCharacters() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.ReplayGenerator
Revive all characters and add them to the list of alive characters
Room - Class in com.mg105.entities
Room represents a single room in the map.
Room(List<TreasureChest>, List<OpponentSet>, List<Doorway>) - Constructor for class com.mg105.entities.Room
Create a room given some number of chests, opponents, and doorways.
ROOM_SIZE - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.MapConstants
The width and height of a room in tiles, must be at least 8
RoomGetter - Class in
RoomGetter is responsible for getting the state current room.
RoomGetter(GameState) - Constructor for class
Create a new RoomGetter for a given sate.
RoomGetterInterface - Interface in
Get attributes about the current room.
RoomInterpreter - Class in
RoomInterpreter interprets the current room in a format that is easier to draw from.
RoomInterpreter(RoomGetterInterface) - Constructor for class
Create a new RoomInterpreter that will get its information from getter.
RoomInterpreterInterface - Interface in
Layout the current room.
RoomLayout - Class in com.mg105.use_cases.outputds
The layout of a room.
RoomLayout(List<Point>, List<Point>, List<Point>, List<Point>, Point) - Constructor for class com.mg105.use_cases.outputds.RoomLayout
Create a room given some number of chests, opponents, and doorways.
RoomTileType - Enum Class in
Types of tiles that can appear within a room.
RoomUpdater - Class in
RoomUpdater updates any components that need updating when the state of the current room changes.
RoomUpdater() - Constructor for class
Create a new RoomUpdater.
RoomUpdaterInterface - Interface in
RoomUpdaterInterface is the smallest possible interface to be used by anything that changes anything relating to the current map.
roundStart() - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.battle.BattlePresenter
Starts a round of the encounter.
roundStart() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.battle.BattleInteractor
Starts a round of the encounter.


SABOTAGE - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.MoveConstants
A move name.
save() - Method in class
Save the current stats of the party members to a "database"
save() - Method in interface
Saves some sort of data about the state of the game to a "database"
save() - Method in class
Save the current state of the game to a "database"
Save - Interface in
Class that implement this interface are ones that save some sort of data about the state of a game to the "database"
Saver - Class in
This classes only job is to save data about the state of the game in some sort of "database" This class is the Facade class that uses others savers to save info about the game
Saver(Save[]) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance of saver
SceneController - Class in com.mg105.user_interface
SceneController acts as the central coordination mechanism for the user interface.
SceneController(Stage, Map<Toggler.ToggleableComponent, Toggleable>, Toggler.ToggleableComponent) - Constructor for class com.mg105.user_interface.SceneController
Create a new scene controller
setActionPerformed(String) - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.PlayerGetsTutorial
Set the action to true if it has been performed
setChangeText() - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.tutorial.TutorialTextController
Make text start changing
setCharPosition(Point) - Method in class com.mg105.entities.WalkingCharacter
Set the walking character's coordinates.
setCurrEncounter(Battle) - Method in class com.mg105.entities.GameState
Set currEncounter to the given active Battle.
setCurrentRoom(Room) - Method in class com.mg105.entities.GameState
Set the current room.
setCurrOpponent(OpponentSet) - Method in class com.mg105.entities.GameState
Sets the current OpponentSet to be faced.
setMap(Room, Room) - Method in class com.mg105.entities.GameState
Swap out the map of the game state to a new one defined by an interconnected graph between firstRoom and lastRoom.
setNames(String[], String[]) - Method in interface com.mg105.interface_adapters.battle.BattleMenuInterface
Sets the names of the player and opponent characters participating in the active battle.
setNames(String[], String[]) - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.BattleMenu
Sets the names of the player and opponent characters participating in the active battle.
setOpponentSet() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.OpponentSetInteractor
Sets the OpponentSet in the GameState to the one adjacent to the player.
setParty(BattleCharacter[]) - Method in class com.mg105.entities.GameState
Sets these BattleCharacters as the party This function should really only ever be called once
setPresenter(BattlePresenterInterface) - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.battle.BattleInteractor
Sets the presenter attribute.
setShowControls(boolean) - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.tutorial.TutorialTextController
Tell player the controls again
setSpriteName(String) - Method in class com.mg105.entities.WalkingCharacter
Sets the name of the character whose sprite is currently being used.
setState(GameState) - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.set_up.state_setter.GameStateSetter
setState(GameState) - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.set_up.state_setter.PartyCreator
Sets the correct party with the correct members and attributes in the state based on the values in a "database"
setState(GameState) - Method in interface com.mg105.use_cases.set_up.state_setter.StateSetter
Sets some aspect of the gameState in this method
setView(InventoryViewInterface) - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.inventory.InventoryPresenter
Sets the view of the of this presenter This should be called right after the presenter is created
setView(BattleMenuInterface) - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.battle.BattlePresenter
Sets the view attribute.
setViewNames(String[], String[]) - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.battle.BattlePresenter
Set the characters in the view.
setViewNames(String[], String[]) - Method in interface com.mg105.use_cases.battle.BattlePresenterInterface
Set the characters in the view.
setWalkingSprite(String) - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.WalkVisInteractor
Updates the current WalkingCharacter's sprite attribute.
showBottomText(String) - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.TutorialTextDisplay
Check if specific action has been performed
SLOW_SWING - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.MoveConstants
A move name.
SPEED - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.StatConstants
The speed of a character
start(Stage) - Method in class com.mg105.Application
Note that while this isn't our main method explicitly, we (probably) need this to effectively be our main method for scoping rules.
startBattle() - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.battle.BattlePresenter
Creates a new encounter with random opponents and sets it as the current encounter in GameState
StatConstants - Class in com.mg105.utils
Constants used in the persistence of character stats.
StatConstants() - Constructor for class com.mg105.utils.StatConstants
StateSetter - Interface in com.mg105.use_cases.set_up.state_setter
This interface is for classes that help set information in GameState when a game has first started
STORY - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.TutorialTexts
Constant string for story text
STRONG_HEAL - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.MoveConstants
A move name.
STRONG_SWING - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.MoveConstants
A move name.
SURPRISE_ATTACK - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.MoveConstants
A move name.


TELL_ATTACK - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.TutorialTexts
Constant string for attack text
TELL_MOVE - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.TutorialTexts
Constant string for move text
TELL_USE_ITEM - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.TutorialTexts
Constant string for open chest text
TEXT_DURATION1 - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.TutorialTexts
Constant int for text duration per phase
TEXT_SIZE - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.TutorialTexts
Constant int for size of the regular text
TEXT_SIZE_LARGE - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.TutorialTexts
Constant int for size of the larger text
TILE_SIZE - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.MapConstants
The size in pixels of a single tile on the screen
toggle(boolean) - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.BattleMenu
Set the visibility of this component.
toggle(boolean) - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.InventoryDisplay
Changes the state of the InventoryDisplay based on if the inventory display is shown in the ui
toggle(boolean) - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.LoseMenu
toggle(boolean) - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.MainMenu
toggle(boolean) - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.MapDrawer
Toggle the visibility of map drawer.
toggle(boolean) - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.MinimapDrawer
Toggle the minimap.
toggle(boolean) - Method in interface com.mg105.user_interface.Toggleable
Set the visibility of this component.
toggle(boolean) - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.TutorialTextWindow
Set the visibility of this component.
toggle(boolean) - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.WalkingMenu
Set the visibility of this component.
toggle(boolean) - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.WinMenu
Toggle the WinMenu
toggle(Toggler.ToggleableComponent) - Method in interface com.mg105.interface_adapters.Toggler
Toggle the component.
toggle(Toggler.ToggleableComponent) - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.SceneController
Toggle the component.
Toggleable - Interface in com.mg105.user_interface
A user interface component that can be toggled on or off depending on its visibility.
Toggler - Interface in com.mg105.interface_adapters
An interface for an object that can toggle the visibility of various user interface components.
Toggler.ToggleableComponent - Enum Class in com.mg105.interface_adapters
All the possible components that could theoretically be toggled.
TreasureChest - Class in com.mg105.entities
TreasureChest is a class representing the treasure chests in the game.
TreasureChest(Item, Point) - Constructor for class com.mg105.entities.TreasureChest
Create a new treasure chest at a position with a certain reward.
TUTORIAL - Enum constant in enum class com.mg105.interface_adapters.Toggler.ToggleableComponent
The tutorial window
tutorialLabel() - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.TutorialTextDisplay
Return a label that will show at the bottom of the screen.
TutorialTextController - Class in com.mg105.interface_adapters.tutorial
A controller that converts phase number into displayed text
TutorialTextController(boolean) - Constructor for class com.mg105.interface_adapters.tutorial.TutorialTextController
A constructor for the tutorial controller
TutorialTextDisplay - Class in com.mg105.user_interface
Returns the actual text that is displayed to the player
TutorialTextDisplay() - Constructor for class com.mg105.user_interface.TutorialTextDisplay
Constructor for a new TutorialTextDisplay ui
TutorialTexts - Class in com.mg105.utils
Constants for texts related to the tutorial
TutorialTexts() - Constructor for class com.mg105.utils.TutorialTexts
TutorialTextWindow - Class in com.mg105.user_interface
Create a window for the tutorial scenes
TutorialTextWindow(TutorialTextController, TutorialTextDisplay) - Constructor for class com.mg105.user_interface.TutorialTextWindow
Window for the tutorial


UNEXPLORED - Enum constant in enum class
The room is implied to exist but is unexplored.
updateCharacter(String) - Method in interface com.mg105.interface_adapters.battle.BattleMenuInterface
Updates the display corresponding to the given affected character.
updateCharacter(String) - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.BattleMenu
Updates the display corresponding to the given affected character.
updateRoom() - Method in class
Trigger an update on all the components that need updating on a room state change.
updateRoom() - Method in interface
Notify all components when something has changed in the room.
updateRoom() - Method in class com.mg105.user_interface.MapDrawer
Redraw the current room.
updateViewCharacter(String) - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.battle.BattlePresenter
Call on the BattleMenuInterface to update the displayed information for the given character.
updateViewCharacter(String) - Method in interface com.mg105.use_cases.battle.BattlePresenterInterface
Call on the BattleMenuInterface to update the displayed information for the given character.
UPGRADE_TOKEN_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.ItemConstants
The constant for the description of UpgradeToken.
UPGRADE_TOKEN_NAME - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.ItemConstants
The constant for the name of UpgradeToken.
UpgradeToken - Class in com.mg105.entities.items
An item that is used upgrade a characters stat
UpgradeToken() - Constructor for class com.mg105.entities.items.UpgradeToken
Creates a new instance of upgrade token
USED_ITEM - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.TutorialTexts
Constant string for using item phase
useItem(boolean, String, ItemDetails) - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.inventory.InventoryPresenter
Sends an alert the view about the status of the attempted use of an item Also updates the view to display the appropriate amount of items left fo that type
useItem(boolean, String, ItemDetails) - Method in interface com.mg105.use_cases.inventory.InventoryPresenterInterface
Sends a message to update the view about a used item
useItem(GameState, String, String) - Method in class com.mg105.entities.Inventory
Uses the item on the given character
useItem(String, String) - Method in class com.mg105.interface_adapters.inventory.InventoryController
Attempts to use an item in the inventory on the specified character Item should exist in the inventory before calling this.
useItem(String, String) - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.inventory.InventoryInteractor
Attempts to use an item of itemName and sends action data to the appropriate class
useItem(String, String) - Method in interface com.mg105.use_cases.inventory.InventoryInteractorInputInterface
Attempts to use an item of itemName on a character


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.mg105.interface_adapters.Toggler.ToggleableComponent
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.mg105.interface_adapters.Toggler.ToggleableComponent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
verifyChest() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.ChestInteractor
Checks if a chest is adjacent to the player character.
verifyOpponent() - Method in class com.mg105.use_cases.OpponentSetInteractor
Checks if an OpponentSet is adjacent to the player character.


WALK_MENU - Enum constant in enum class com.mg105.interface_adapters.Toggler.ToggleableComponent
The character selection screen.
WalkingCharacter - Class in com.mg105.entities
Information about the player being placed on the map.
WalkingCharacter(Point) - Constructor for class com.mg105.entities.WalkingCharacter
Create a new WalkingCharacter at a given position.
WalkingMenu - Class in com.mg105.user_interface
This class uses JavaFX and is displayed when the user wants to change the walking character sprite.
WalkingMenu(WalkVisController) - Constructor for class com.mg105.user_interface.WalkingMenu
Creates a new WalkingMenu with reference to a controller class.
WalkVisController - Class in com.mg105.interface_adapters
This class communicates with WalkVisInteractor, called on by WalkingMenu.
WalkVisController(WalkVisInteractor) - Constructor for class com.mg105.interface_adapters.WalkVisController
Creates a new WalkVisController referring to a WalkVisInteractor.
WalkVisInteractor - Class in com.mg105.use_cases
This class interacts with the WalkingCharacter entity.
WalkVisInteractor(GameState) - Constructor for class com.mg105.use_cases.WalkVisInteractor
Creates a new WalkVisInteractor with reference to GameState.
WALL - Enum constant in enum class
Wall that cannot be walked on.
WALL_WITH_FACE - Enum constant in enum class
A wall where you can see the side
WEAK_HEAL - Static variable in class com.mg105.utils.MoveConstants
A move name.
WIN_MENU - Enum constant in enum class com.mg105.interface_adapters.Toggler.ToggleableComponent
The game Win menu
WinDisplay - Class in com.mg105.interface_adapters
Decides when to show game win screen
WinDisplay(Toggler, RoomGetterInterface, ReplayGenerator) - Constructor for class com.mg105.interface_adapters.WinDisplay
Construction for the WinDisplay interface adapter
WinMenu - Class in com.mg105.user_interface
A menu that is shown to the player after they have reached the final room
WinMenu(ReplayGeneratorButton) - Constructor for class com.mg105.user_interface.WinMenu
Shows a button that congratulates you and lets you replay the game
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