Class BattleInteractor


public class BattleInteractor extends Object
This class interacts with the Battle entity.

It is responsible for modifying Battle related entities and for the processing needed during combat encounters.

  • Constructor Details

    • BattleInteractor

      public BattleInteractor(GameState state, InventoryInteractor inventoryInteractor, Saver saver)
      Creates a new BattleInteractor with a reference to the GameState.
      state - the GameState to be referred to.
      inventoryInteractor - the inventoryInteractor to be referred to.
      saver - an instance of Saver used to save data.
  • Method Details

    • setPresenter

      public void setPresenter(BattlePresenterInterface presenter)
      Sets the presenter attribute.
      presenter - the BattlePresenterInterface instance to set the presenter attribute to.
    • createEncounter

      public void createEncounter()
      Creates a new encounter with random opponents and sets it as the current encounter in GameState.
    • isCharacterFainted

      public boolean isCharacterFainted(String name)
      Returns whether the given name is associated with a fainted character. Assumes that the inputted name corresponds to a character who was in the encounter at some point.
      name - the name of the character being checked.
      whether the given name corresponds to a fainted character.
    • getCharacterHealth

      public int getCharacterHealth(String name)
      Returns the current health of the BattleCharacter with the given name.
      name - the name of the character.
      the desired BattleCharacter's current health.
    • getCharacterDamage

      public int getCharacterDamage(String name)
      Returns the current damage stat of the BattleCharacter with the given name.
      name - the name of the character.
      the desired BattleCharacter's current damage.
    • getCharacterMoveStats

      public int[] getCharacterMoveStats(String name)
      Returns the stats of the BattleCharacter with the given name's moves. Stats order: Move1 health change, Move1 damage change, Move2 health change, Move2 damage change.
      name - the name of the character.
      the desired BattleCharacter's move stats.
    • getCharacterMoveNames

      public String[] getCharacterMoveNames(String name)
      Returns the names of the BattleCharacter with the given name's moves. Stats order: Move1 name, Move2 name.
      name - the name of the character.
      the desired BattleCharacter's move names.
    • roundStart

      public String roundStart()
      Starts a round of the encounter. If battle ended last round, end the encounter/the run depending on the result. If encounter is still in progress, get the next moving character. If opponent is moving, choose a random move and random target and use it. returns null iff the battle has ended
      a String of the name of the moving character
    • retrieveTargets

      public ArrayList<String> retrieveTargets(int moveNum, String casterName)
      Returns the name of every BattleCharacter which can be targeted by the given move. Note: Function should only be called from view when caster is friendly, so method does not accommodate for case where caster is an opponent.
      moveNum - integer representing which of the two Moves is being used.
      casterName - String representing the name of the given moving BattleCharacter.
      ArrayList of Strings representing the names of every possible target BattleCharacter.
    • executeTurn

      public void executeTurn(int moveNum, String casterName, String targetName)
      Use one of (given) the given caster's moves on the given target.
      moveNum - integer representing which of the two moves is being used.
      casterName - String representing the name of the caster BattleCharacter.
      targetName - String representing the name of the target BattleCharacter.
    • endBattle

      public boolean endBattle()
      Method makes changes that represent an ended battle in the state of the game (won or lost) The method also save the game for user
      true iff the battle was won