Interface InventoryViewInterface

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public interface InventoryViewInterface extends Alert
The interface defines all the functions that should be called to update the ui to add or modify the information of the Inventory
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    addItemView(String name, String description, boolean isUsable, String quantity)
    Add this item and its details to the Inventory ui
    changeItemView(String name, String description, boolean isUsable, String quantity)
    Updates the Inventory ui based on changes to this items status
    Removes the item with the given name of the Inventory ui

    Methods inherited from interface com.mg105.interface_adapters.Alert

  • Method Details

    • removeItemView

      void removeItemView(String name)
      Removes the item with the given name of the Inventory ui
      name - the name of the item to be removed
    • addItemView

      void addItemView(String name, String description, boolean isUsable, String quantity)
      Add this item and its details to the Inventory ui
      name - the name of the item to add
      description - the description of the item to add
      isUsable - true iff the item can be used by a user
      quantity - the number of items of this type in the Inventory
    • changeItemView

      void changeItemView(String name, String description, boolean isUsable, String quantity)
      Updates the Inventory ui based on changes to this items status
      name - the name of the item to change details about
      description - the description of the item
      isUsable - true iff the item is usable
      quantity - the number of items of this type in the Inventory