Interface PartyDataInterface

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface PartyDataInterface
This interface is implemented by a class that has the ability to save party members stats and retrieve the parties data
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    changeCharacterStat(@NotNull String name, @NotNull String stat, int value)
    Changes the value of the specified character in the "database"
    Returns an array of objects that each represent a single party members battle attributes
  • Method Details

    • changeCharacterStat

      void changeCharacterStat(@NotNull @NotNull String name, @NotNull @NotNull String stat, int value)
      Changes the value of the specified character in the "database"
      name - name of the character to change the stat of
      stat - the name of the stat to change
      value - the value to change that stat to
    • getPartyBattleDetails

      @NotNull @NotNull BattleCharacterDetails[] getPartyBattleDetails()
      Returns an array of objects that each represent a single party members battle attributes
      an array of objects that each represent a single party members battle attributes
      See Also: