Interface InventoryPresenterInterface

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface InventoryPresenterInterface
This interface should be implemented by the InventoryPresenter class

It represents the data that should be formatted and displayed by the view

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    addItem(boolean isSuccessful, ItemDetails itemDetails)
    Sends a message to update the view about an added item
    inventoryDetails(ItemDetails[] allItemsDetails)
    Sends a message to the view about the state of every item type in the inventory
    removeItem(boolean isSuccessful, ItemDetails itemDetails)
    Sends a message to update the view about a removed item
    useItem(boolean isSuccessful, String characterName, ItemDetails itemDetails)
    Sends a message to update the view about a used item
  • Method Details

    • addItem

      void addItem(boolean isSuccessful, ItemDetails itemDetails)
      Sends a message to update the view about an added item
      isSuccessful - if an item of itemName was added to the inventory
      itemDetails - the state of the item that was potentially used
      See Also:
    • removeItem

      void removeItem(boolean isSuccessful, ItemDetails itemDetails)
      Sends a message to update the view about a removed item
      isSuccessful - if an item of itemName was removed from the inventory
      itemDetails - the state of the item that was potentially used
      See Also:
    • useItem

      void useItem(boolean isSuccessful, String characterName, ItemDetails itemDetails)
      Sends a message to update the view about a used item
      isSuccessful - if an item of itemName was used in the inventory
      characterName - the name of character the item was attempted to be used on
      itemDetails - the state of the item that was potentially used
      See Also:
    • inventoryDetails

      void inventoryDetails(ItemDetails[] allItemsDetails)
      Sends a message to the view about the state of every item type in the inventory
      allItemsDetails - a list of object that represent a state of single item type in the inventory
      See Also: