Class GameStateSetter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class GameStateSetter extends Object implements StateSetter
This class should only be called in the "main" file. It has a method that is used to set information about the GameState

This is essentially the facade of the StateSetters class that fills the GameState with the data it needs to when the game starts

  • Constructor Details

    • GameStateSetter

      public GameStateSetter(@NotNull @NotNull StateSetter[] setters)
      Creates a new instance of GameStateSetters
      setters - a group of objects that help store information in the game state
  • Method Details

    • setState

      public void setState(GameState state)
      Description copied from interface: StateSetter
      Sets some aspect of the gameState in this method
      Specified by:
      setState in interface StateSetter
      state - the game state to act on.