Class Room


public class Room extends Object
Room represents a single room in the map.

Rooms are stored together in a graph-like data structure where doorways act as single directional edges.

  • Constructor Details

    • Room

      public Room(@NotNull @NotNull List<TreasureChest> chests, @NotNull @NotNull List<OpponentSet> opponents, @NotNull @NotNull List<Doorway> doorways)
      Create a room given some number of chests, opponents, and doorways.
      chests - the chests in this room.
      opponents - the opponents in this room.
      doorways - the doorways in this room leading to other rooms.
  • Method Details

    • getChests

      @NotNull public @NotNull List<TreasureChest> getChests()
      Get the treasure chests in this room.
      the treasure chests in this room.
    • getOpponents

      @NotNull public @NotNull List<OpponentSet> getOpponents()
      Get the opponents in this room.
      the opponents in this room.
    • getDoorways

      @NotNull public @NotNull List<Doorway> getDoorways()
      Get the doorways in this room.
      the doorways in this room.